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All about our trees ...

The gardens are home to over 250 specimen trees. 


We are pleased to share with you two Tree Trails produced by NCC Park Rangers with Dr. Graham Piearce.


The first guide, 24 Tagged Trees (24), details trees that have metal identification tags on them.


The second guide, 32 Listed Trees (32), is a more comprehensive list, but you have to use the visual map to locate them in the gardens.  Many trees are shared with the 24 Tagged Trees but do not share the same number, which can be confusing if you are not aware of which Trail you are looking at!!


Sadly the Tree of Heaven (8/24 & 9/32) and the Smooth Arizona Cypress (21/24 & 23/32) are no longer in the gardens.


A number of members have enjoyed a tree tour led by Steve Clarke, Park Ranger at Nottingham City Council - we hope to plan more in the future as Dr Graham Piearce has joined the group and will be helping us catalogue more of the trees in the Gardens and is kindly sharing his expertise.


The next guides we hope to produce will be an Evergreen trail and a Cherry Blossom Trail (Planned 2022).

To catalogue the trees and their location in the gardens we are trying ///what3words to try and make a intreguing word map of the space and the trees ... there is a poem in here ...

Information of each tree is courtesy of the Woodland Trust or the RHS

The tree at the center of the original rose garden, the core of our volunteering efforts, is a Silver Birch: ... in the what3words world it is here ...


Another Birch, a West Himalayan Birch, is at the South end of the Garden is number 10/32 on the 32 Listed Trees Tree Trail...

///belly.fuels.paintHimalayan Birch - Holocaust memorial: 
///truth.crisp.storms - Sweetgum

A new sapling in the Memorial Gardens to replace the Tree of Heaven. Cllr Trimble planted a Liquidambar Styraciflua - a Sweetgum - as part of a wider tree planting scheme across the city. It should be beautiful, particularly in autumn.
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